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Schengen visa application form spain

This is the only form to be used starting from 02. In Spain, the authority responsible for processing the data is the consular post at which the visa was applied for.

I am aware that I have the right to ob. Surname (Family name) (x) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. France rejected 13.

The visa application form has questions that must be filled in by the applicant with relevant information. These questions are outlined below, along with information on how to fill each of them. Schengen visa types for short-term visits in Spain.

The booking of a visa application appointment is as follows: 1. Click book an appointment to begin. First name(s) (Given name(s)) (x) 4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 5.

Country of birth 7. Current nationality Nationali ty at birth, if different: 8. The new regulations change the application procedures significantly and offer greater advantages for certain groups of applicants. This has come into effect for every consular. Once the application has been submitte the applicant can be further requested additional documentation in support of the same.

Please note as per the instructions received from Embassy of Spain minimum processing time is Calendar days (It may delay depending on case to case). ID-number (optional) File handled by : 6. Place and country of birth Supporting documents.

REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY FOR A SPAIN SCHENGEN VISA. One (1) recent passport-size photo with white background (to be pasted on the application form ) 3. You must apply in person for your biometric data to be collected. Only Qatari nationals and nationals of third countries that are legal residents in Qatar can apply for a visa to Spain in Doha. Non Qatari nationals must have a residence permit attached in the current valid passport.

SRA registered solicitor and is not affiliated with any government body. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited.

Number of entries requested: one two more than two 23.

Postal address of applicant in Spain 24. Spanish Foreign Nati. The guidelines listed on this site are to help you to prepare your documents as accurately as possible.

This will reduce the chances of your application being delayed or rejected due to incomplete or faulty submission of documents. This website provides information on how to navigate each step of your visa application process. Title: Formulaire eng2. This article is an attempt to enable you to get all the information needed to fill theSpain visa application form and list of mandatory documents you would require during your visa process.

ONE photograph (glued to the application) : the photo must be recent (5cm x 5cm), clearly showing the face, the forehead hairline and ears on a white background. Passport (Original and Photocopy of the identity pages). Our team will be in touch to confirm your visa appointment.

Appointment Booking. SCHENGEN VISA APPLICATION FORM: Filled carefully by the applicant without leaving blank. Point and end of the last page must be personally signed.

Under years old applicant’s form must be filled and signed by both parents.


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