Use all the draw power you can till you get Exodia. Use cards like Cosmic Cyclone to get your LP lower than your opponents. Credit to Mauricio for Deck submission. Avoid direct attacks.

Recover cards from the graveyard. Left Arm of the Forbidden One xRight Leg of the Forbidden One xLeft Leg of the For. Welcome back to another edition of Budget YGO!
We’ll be checking out some nice Normal Trap cards to use that are inexpensive. Format: dragon - Season: season-- Player: S. Database and Deck Share Site. Exodia Mage Latest Exodia Mage Deck Lists.

Features a Deck Builder, Price Checker and hundreds of Yu-Gi-Oh! We also host the most comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! For all things Yu-Gi-Oh! Download Deck - Link. YGOPRO 3laa 1views. Yugioh Trolling with "BEST EXODIA DECK ! Duel_Enter Musicas: Intro: M. Durée 38:Taille 88. Unsubscribe from BlankPage? I needed weeks of modifying plus obtaining new cards. Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero. All rights reserved. Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom. There are many other ways to use them well.

These are just standard cards you want in. They should be pretty high up the list of threads. It also creates a huge number of bricks, especually when the goal of pretty much every no-banlist exodia deck is to win turn one.
The pot of duality i the only good card for unlimited exodia you mentioned. EXÓDIA CÍANO Nºcreated by hanterarqueiro. Must be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing "Forbidden One" monster, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Add "Forbidden One" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.
Blue Eyes White Dragon, Sun God Ra, Obelisk the Tormentor. Only a few Card names with one of the most awesome art that is both cool and deadly at the same time. Yu-Gi-Oh offers not just a neat card game, the amazing artwork of the cards and even the characters are something to look forward to. This is why people.
The big thing is being able to add any lvlor lower monster and not just normal ones, so you can. Pretty clever since with secrets, tower, and master you can easily get through the deck and with power you can make it stronger and also search out another spellbook card helping thinning the deck. We do this by playing Antonidas and Maiev Shadowsong.
Infinite fireballs! Challenging, but fun. Which in reality is just like yugioh.
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