The latest consolidated version of REACH presents the restrictions adopted until the date of publication. Some substances are literally banned by REACH annex XVII.
These substances include Polychlorinated terphenyls ( PCTs ), asbestos fibres, pentachlorophenol and and its salts and esters, and monomethyl-tetrachlorodiphenyl methane. Many of them are persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
ECHA-term, la base terminologique en langu. Each entry shows the substance or group of substances or the mixture, and the conditions of their restriction. List of substances included in Annex XIV of REACH ("Authorisation List"). Notes to the Authorisation List.
Cette annexe comporte désormais substances. The European Commission has published Entry of Annex XVII regarding the restrictions of carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) substances in textiles, garment and footwear. The new Entry will come into effect on 1st November this year. L’annexe XVII de REACh définit les restrictions applicables à la fabrication, la mise sur le marché et l’utilisation de certaines substances dangereuses.
Les articles mis sur le marché européen doivent respecter les seuils de l’annexe XVII, qu’ils soient fabriqués dans ou hors de l’UE. In accordance with REACH Art.
In consultation with all interested parties, the Commission carried out a revision of Annex XVII, to harmonise the terminology, to adapt the provisions to the definitions under REACH and to delete obsolete provisions. D’autres sont soumises à des Restrictions d’utilisation (Annexe XVII) du Règlement Reach et sont interdites dans certains produits, y compris des produits de consommation (produits destinés au grand public).
Enfin, en fonction des seuils de tonnage, les substances chimiques peuvent être soumises à enregistrement. Tableau de DECLARATION des Substances REACH. Article ou Produit chimique Nom de la substance N° CAS ou EC Annexe REACH concernée ou liste Candidate Quantité. Localisation dans la fourniture et informations utiles.
REACH is a complex EU regulation that applies to companies that manufacture, distribute, store and use chemical substances in the EU, either on their own, or as part of mixtures or articles. At the level of this Annex, the registrant must submit a proposal and a time schedule for fulfilling the information requirements of this Annex in accordance with Article 12(1)(d).
Column of this Annex establishes the standard information required for all substances manufactured or imported in quantities of 1tonnes or more in accordance with Article 12(1)(d). Etape du processus: Nb de substances: Examen CoRAP en cours : 338: Intention déclarée de dépôt de dossier : 6: Do.
Ce sont les « substances soumises à autorisation listées à l’annexe XIV du Règlement REACH «. Dans un contexte où la responsabilité de chaque entreprise est engagée en cas de non-conformité d’un maillon de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, la communication entre les acteurs est essentielle. It contains a list of substances subject to authorization under EU REACH regulation. REACH Annex XIV is also called REACH authorization list.
Once the sunset date has passed for an Annex XIV substance, only uses that have been specifically ‘authorised’ by ECHA will be allowed to continue. Title VIII and Annex XVII of REACH replaced the earlier legislation setting out restrictions on chemicals, i. In the frame of the provisions on transitional measures from the pre- REACH restriction regime, which are set out in Article 1of REACH, measures were adopted. Nickel itself is classified as a human carcinogen.
Nickel and its compounds are mainly used in producing alloys (stainless steel), nickel plating, and pigments for paint, pottery, glass and plastics. REACH Declaration Regarding SVHC list and Annex XVII Schaffner hereby declares that the product portfolio we provide to the market is compliant to the REACH SVHC list of regulation (EC).
Restricted Substance Name REACH Restriction Conditions ( In case of discrepancy, please follow full restriction conditions.) Entry Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs). L’ annexe XIV de Reach est la liste officielle des substances soumises à autorisation du règlement Reach.
Le processus d’inscription à l’ annexe XIV est du ressort des autorités : États membres, ECHA et Commission européenne. Article This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its. For substances not meeting the criteria in Annex III only the physicochemical requirements as set out in section of this Annex are required.
Column of this Annex lists specific rules according to which the required standard information may be omitte replaced by other information, provided at a different stage or adapted in another way. Règlement REACh : mise à jour de l’ annexe XVII et introduction d’une nouvelle substance dans la liste des SVHC.
La déclaration doit également inclure une position claire indiquant si les produits que vous fournissez à votre client contiennent ou non des substances figurant dans la liste de restrictions REACH. It will not appear on the SVHC Candidate or Authorised lists because of the listing on Annex XVII restriction list. If they are using diaphragms containing chrysotile for electrolysis installations, they have an exemption for chrysotile asbestos in those diaphragms.
This Annex lays down the criteria for the identification of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances (PBT substances), and very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances (vPvB substances) as well as the information that must be considered for the purpose of assessing the P, B, and T properties of a substance. Simply because a substance meets one or more of the criteria does not necessarily mean that it will be proposed as an SVHC.
Many such substances are already subject to restrictions on their use within the European Union, such as those in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation.
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