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Spain government website

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer a better service. If you go on surfing, we will consider you accepting its use. The Government of Spain deeply regrets the damage caused by Storm Laura after it hit Haiti.

According to the information available to date, the storm hit on Sunday, August, leaving a total of dead and five missing in its wake. Many homes and entire neighbourhoods were flooded.

Information available on ministry news, publications, libraries, international co-operation, statistics, intellectual property, as well as helpful directories and links.

Government of Spain Its strategic purpose is to contribute to improved energy efficiency, and the increased uptake of renewable energy and other low carbon technologies. IDAE conducts dissemination and training activities, technical assistance, program development and specific project funding.

Includes information about trading with and doing business in the UK and Spain, and your rights after the UK’s exit from the EU. Latest travel advice for Spain, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK.

On this website you can find information and guidance from the French Government regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease COVID-in France. While the lockdown has been almost entirely lifted in most of France, the epidemic remains present. It is therefore very important that you remain alert and that you respect both the barrier.

Spain is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with a head of government - the prime minister - and a head of state - the monarch. A council of ministers is the executive branch and is presided over by the prime minister.

Spain is a unitary state, composed of autonomous communities and autonomous cities with varying degrees of autonomy. Ader Enterprise Europe Network. Visit Government Website. Agencia Provincial de la Energía de Cádiz.

Asociación de Ferias Aragonesas. Web del president de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Spanish Statistical Office.

El INE elabora y distribuye estadisticas de Espana. With its own tiered- government system, many of the decisions, which directly affect the Canarian people are taken by representatives based on the island and not in mainland Spain.

In addition, Tenerife also has a special status within the European Union (EU) with lower tax rates compared to other countries. Aviation Safety Oversight: The U. Foreign Trade Statistics.

XXI Government - Portuguese Republic. Portugal wants the UN more capable of promoting peace and prosperity. The Prime-Minister, António Costa, confirmed Portugal’s support to the priorities defined by the Secretary-General of. Pressure on Madrid hospitals rising as Covid-cases surge in Spain once more.

Spain will be removed from the list of countries exempt from quarantine requirements due to an increased number of cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last few days.

The decision, also made by the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland and Wales as well as the UK Government, has been made to reduce the risk of the transmission of the virus by those travelling from Spain and arriving. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for proposing and carrying out the government policy on education and vocational training, including all the teachings of the education system except university education, without prejudice to the competences of the National Sports Council in matters of sports education.

This is a summarized version of the web portal. Pyreenes of Navarre. Much like the Queen of Englan the King of Spain is a figurehead who holds. Pedro Sánchez makes his tele.

The king is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The highest legislative body in Spain is the parliament, the Cortes Generales. Like most of the governments in the worl Spain has the executive, legislative, and judicial arms of government. These branches act under the stipulations of the constitution to achieve their various functions.

The executive is composed of the President, vice-president, and the Council of Ministers. This policy profile on education in Spain is part of the new Education Policy Outlook series, which will present comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries.


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