Table des matières. Substances concernées. Ces ingrédients nouvellement restreints sont les phtalates, des produits chimiques qui rendent le caoutchouc et le plastique plus mous, mais qui sont aussi liés à des effets nocifs sur la santé humaine. All other electrical and electronic.
Though this terminology has become somewhat common (common enough to keep using the term here), it’s technically. The most significant change to this iteration is the restriction of four additional phthalates – specifically, Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP). If you’re starting to panic again, keep in mind that there’s still time. Description in french only.
Vous désirez exporter de l’équipement électrique et électronique en. Lead as an alloying element in aluminium containing up to 0. For category industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category expires on July.
Achat d electromenager et de petit electromenager. Vente de pret-a-porter pour homme et femme.

Category : Deadline: 6a Lead up to 0. Cependant, en lisant entre les lignes de votre courrier électronique, il me semble que votre produit est une radio. The project has been contracted within a framework contract lead by Oeko-Institut, who is also leading the project, assisted by Fraunhofer IZM in the tasks at hand.
An interim report shall be delivered to the European. Products Covered Virginia Panel Corporation family of parts is identified by digit part numbers: The beginning digit number identifies the main category in each group of parts.
The other digits are used to define the sub categories. DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP are primarily used as plasticizers to soften plastics. These newly restricted ingredients are phthalates, chemicals that make rubber and plastic softer, but that are also linked to harmful effects on human health. Answer: Generally speaking, the final product type is the category that applies at any given point.
Once it is used to build the electric. Elles regroupent les symboles de la directive ROHS : les mentions "Lead free" et " ROHS compliant" accompagnées du symbole "Pb" barré.
Large household appliances 2. FIL FILAMENT IMPRIMANTE 3D ABS MM couleur ROSE CIEL 1kg CE ROHS. Panier product (vide) Aucun produit : € Livraison € Total. Electronique : Soudage-dessou.
Low Resistance Resistors UR73xxT,UR73DxxT,UR73VxxT,UR73VDxxT,WU73xxT 薄膜チップ抵抗器 Thin Film Chip Resistors RN73xxT,RN73HxxT,RN73RxxT リニア正温度係数抵抗器 Linear P. RoHS directive covers 1. New products are engineered to comply with this directive. UL94) mm EM-EI- 3. Enter your search keyword. Military equipment, large-scale.
We can provide you with a lead-free solder finish using SN100CL – a lead free alloy of 99. It is an alternative to more expensive finishes and makes a flatter pad than its leaded counterpart.
Combining the cutting-edge technologies developed by the leading motion control brands of AMP, Lin. REACH Candidate List of SVHC 2No. This means that each. In addition, equipment category No.
Other EEE not covered by any of the categories above" has been expanded. The only exceptions are those electrical and electronic devices expressly named in Articleparagraph 4. Searching for the right compliance tool can be difficult.
In the wake of ever-changing rules and regulations, compliance managers need a solution that.
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